Thursday, May 22, 2008

Earn money Now!

SoarPort now allows anyone to upload a large image and include their Google Adsense ID to help earn extra money! Every time your large image is displayed at, the Google Ads which appear can be linked to your publisher ID. That means that any clicks generated will put money in your pocket. How about that for putting your big images to work!

To begin, simply click on the "Upload" button at In the form, specify your Adsense ID (along with the file to upload and title, description, tags, etc). Click on "Save" and your image will be uploaded to SoarPort and your Adsense ID will map to all ads displayed when your SoarPort is shown.

Happy Earnings!

Coming soon: monetization

We're working to include your adsense code in our pages. Look for updates over the next couple of days. We're checking to make sure this meets with Google's TOS (wouldn't it have to? After all this site (blogger) does precisely what I'm talking about).

The end result will be that pages within the site which display your content (i.e. when you search/browse for soarports and click on one to go to the display page) all of the adsense advertising shown will be linked to your account. This is a huge opportunity for image publishers, since 80% of the revenue currently earned at comes from our display page advertising.

Looks for revenue sharing to be an option when you upload new images. Everyone can participate - even anonymous users! All you will be asked to do is provide your adsense publisher id when you upload an image to SoarPort!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Milestone: 100 SoarPorts

As noted in the post about SoarPort's milestone of 50 members, SoarPort has now achieved another milestone: 100 SoarPorts have been uploaded.

SoarPort's appeal appears to be spreading. What we'll begin to do is note our milestones on a larger scale. We do have a milestone soon which will be written up: 100 members. Look for that milestone to occur within the next month or so. After that point, the next milestones will be 500 SoarPorts and Members.

So watch for those notices to appear over the next 6 months.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Powered By blogging

SoarPort is pretty much powered by the influence of bloggers at this point. That's really excellent. In reviewing the website statistics for SoarPort it is clear that there is some buzz in the blogosphere about SoarPort and that it is those bloggers who are driving most of the interest and traffic at SoarPort.

So to all of you who have blogged about SoarPort, Thanks!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Wangtam Effect

SoarPort was the topic of a blog entry at That's great - its great to see people blogging about SoarPort with their opinions and suggestions. One of the things the blogger at Wangtam did for us as well, was to actually embed the SoarPort viewer. That's really the point, isn't it? Its tough to brag about your ability to improve a blog without seeing the SoarPort viewer right there. And the effect has been marvelous. is a site which operates in China - or at least has a significant Chinese audience. I'm seeing a lot of visitors from China this morning, and that is really excellent. Hopefully viewers (Chinese and otherwise) will enjoy what they see.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Amazing...guests from Venezuela

Its is amazing to me to think about how far reaching the power of the internet really is. SoarPort is a fun and effective site for displaying images. But the real power of the internet for me is seeing who is joining SoarPort and where they are from. One of our members is from Venezuela, and that is really fascinating to me.

Obviously, if you live in Venezuela, then its no big deal...someone from your home country visited the site. But I am physically located in Canada, which is several thousand KMs away. Also visiting the site have been people from far off places such as Australia and Romania. In fact, there has been a fairly low number of visitors thus far, but they have arrived from amazingly diverse regions of the earth.

I hope SoarPort is as interesting to me in Canada as it is to those visiting from other countries. If not, I'd like to hear about changes or suggestions at In the meantime, I'm going to continue gazing!

They way people see it

When I originally created SoarPort, I intended to appeal to people with large diagrams - such as floorplans, class diagrams, etc. What has happened is that people with large photography have begun to add their content. Technically, it makes no difference, but it is interesting to see a tool created for a specific use, then used for other tasks as well. Kind of like how you can use a credit card to open a door (or at least that's how they used to do it on TV). In "the biz" they call this sort of action "ubiquity" - where something becomes all encompassing. Google is ubiquitous for searching at this point (and the past 10 years as well). If it is an image and its big and people then think "soarport", then what more can we do? That really is the top of the mountain for SoarPort.

So I would like to thank all our early adopters for their creative use of SoarPort. You may not realize it outright, but you are helping to make SoarPort better.

So Thanks!