Thursday, May 15, 2008

They way people see it

When I originally created SoarPort, I intended to appeal to people with large diagrams - such as floorplans, class diagrams, etc. What has happened is that people with large photography have begun to add their content. Technically, it makes no difference, but it is interesting to see a tool created for a specific use, then used for other tasks as well. Kind of like how you can use a credit card to open a door (or at least that's how they used to do it on TV). In "the biz" they call this sort of action "ubiquity" - where something becomes all encompassing. Google is ubiquitous for searching at this point (and the past 10 years as well). If it is an image and its big and people then think "soarport", then what more can we do? That really is the top of the mountain for SoarPort.

So I would like to thank all our early adopters for their creative use of SoarPort. You may not realize it outright, but you are helping to make SoarPort better.

So Thanks!

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